5 Ways to Learn New Skills During the COVID-19 Crisis
17 May 2020
With COVID-19 forcefully isolating everyone, you may be wondering what to do with the extra hours spent at home. Instead of getting lost in the scary news on social media and TV, you can still turn your attention back to work. If you are in for learning and giving your CV and LinkedIn profile a boost, here is how;
Attend Virtual Events
Events that won't normally be available online are now being offered virtually and at a free cost. To make the most out of every virtual event, treat each one as you would if you are attending person:
Connect with attendees before, during, after
Post on social media using the event hashtag
Conduct research to find the events that are most valuable to you
Take a Free Digital Course
With COVID-19 keeping you at home, now you have all the time to take a new course or complete that course you have been trying to finish.
Co-work Virtually
As a job seeker, you most likely have new skills you want to learn but the motivation to commit to it is a learned skill. Find an accountability partner to keep you honest to yourself, focused, and motivated. Virtual co-working helps to keep one another working when you have a goal to achieve something.
Watch a Webinar
There are many webinars available to you to help reposition your career and you just might want to jump on any. Webinars are a great way to learn something new in a short time, so look for webinars topic discussion that will help you learn a new skill, develop a new attitude, inform you about the latest happenings and motivate you to keep at your goal.
Earn a New Certification
Certification gives you a feeling of completion, a feeling of victory. Depending on your industry, there are many certification options and programs. For example; project management, Google Analytics, Digital marketing, etc
Why New Career Skills?
It helps you become better at what you do. When you finally get your desired job, you can leverage those skills allowing you to truly make the most out of this uncertain time.
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